Thank you for visiting the University’s Title IX website.

Due to University guidance relating to addressing COVID-19, Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) staff are working remotely; however, OIE remains available. Please contact us using our Reporting Form or by email at and someone will respond to you promptly.

Off-campus incidents still deserve
on-campus support.

Off-Campus Incidents

The University investigates incidents that occur off-campus where we otherwise have jurisdiction. This includes incidents that occur in the context of educational programs or activities occurring off-campus and/or abroad, as well as otherwise off-campus conduct that has continuing adverse effects on campus and/or in a University program or activity.

In addition to the option to file a report with the University regarding an off-campus incident, you may also choose to report to the state or local police with jurisdiction over the location where the incident(s) occurred. If you are not sure where to begin or whom to call, consider starting with the Dean of Students, UConn Police, or one of the Confidential Advocacy resources who can assist you.

Student Health and Wellness
Medical Care (Confidential)
860-486-4700 (24 Hours)
Student Health and Wellness
Mental Health (Confidential)
860-486-4705 (24 Hours)
UConn Police
860-486-4800 (24 Hours)
Office of Institutional Equity
Office of Community Standards