Thank you for visiting the University’s Title IX website.

Due to University guidance relating to addressing COVID-19, Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) staff are working remotely; however, OIE remains available. Please contact us using our Reporting Form or by email at and someone will respond to you promptly.

This is a “blank” page. It doesn’t show the page title and it has no padding. This page is a blank canvas for the odd pages that don’t fit normal conventions. If you need a place for a giant floor map, a big data table, a chart, or anything least that needs edge-to-edge space, this Blank page template should help.


Student Health and Wellness
Medical Care (Confidential)
860-486-4700 (24 Hours)
Student Health and Wellness
Mental Health (Confidential)
860-486-4705 (24 Hours)
UConn Police
860-486-4800 (24 Hours)
Office of Institutional Equity
Office of Community Standards